They're following me by trading me, I turned trading off, they're bugging me on my jammer wall, I turned that off, they'll probably bug me in jamagrams so i turned those off, I don't want to have to isolate myself but seems like I have to Anyone has any idea who could be doing this? If so, please tell them to knock it off, because it's honestly extremely messed up.Advice on what to do is more than welcome. So I'm getting harassed on AJI have a masterpiece on trade explaining that a pet seal I've got is my old pet dog who I lost some years back, and that I don't want anyone asking for him because obviously it hurts (please don't leave any comments about him I genuinely don't want to talk about it)And someone that's apparently mad at me decided to take that as an opportunity to make spare after spare after spare to harass me about losing this dog (asking stuff like "when did your dog die?" "did he take one big last breath when he died?" "can I trade for your dead dog?") basically bullying me for losing my petI have two people I think who is doing this but considering I've got no proof and I really don't want to snoop around for proof, only thing I can really show is this ,I'm at a loss for what to do here.