
Mudlet mapper
Mudlet mapper

mudlet mapper

Mudlet is a quality MUD client, designed to take mudding to a new level. It's best to reconnect or restart Mudlet after you to do, because the script won't know what game you're playing until it sees the welcome screen.

#Mudlet mapper upgrade

To upgrade your mapper script (not map): click on Package Manager or Toolbox → Package manager, select Install, and point it to the new mudlet-mapper.xml that you downloaded from above. Note that when it does so, it also compiles and runs all scripts - which could be a good idea to initialize everything at, but beware - scripts are also run when saved.

mudlet mapper

Raised after Mudlet is done loading the profile, after all of the scripts, packages, and modules are installed. This means that if you define variables inside a trigger script the variable will not be defined before the trigger runs for the first time. When a trigger fires Mudlet calls this invisible function name to run the script e.g.

mudlet mapper

Outside the realm of MUD games, Mudlet has even been used to provide automation and features in 3D games which support in-game chat and a Telnet or similar server-console protocols. MUD players can utilize the Mudlet toolkit to script and automate parts of their gameplay or add their own visual customization for game data. To output a table you can use a convenience function - display (mytable), which is built into Mudlet. If we have the table matches, matches is the first element, matches the n-th element. Lua tables can basically be considered multidimensional arrays and dictionaries at the same time.

Mudlet mapper